Thanks to the financial and volunteer support we received from the community during 2020-2021, the MTEF is awarding more than $210,000 for the 2020-2021 school year.
TECHNOLOGY ($109,500)
Newline Interactive Flat Panels ($98,500)* When existing SMART Boards or their projectors break beyond repair, MTSD will replace them with Newline interactive flat panels. These screens offer many advantages including technology upgrades and antimicrobial touch screens that do not need projectors. These inspiring screens will also be added to elementary and middle school ICCs. This grant will allow the district to purchase approximately 32 interactive screens that will be divided between all six schools.
Pear Deck ($11,000) Pear Deck, a Google Slides add-on app, enhances students’ digital lesson and presentation engagement experience. This grant allows teachers and students at all six schools to easily create presentations that include assessments, customized questions, audio and more.
*This technology grant was originally earmarked for Chromebooks to continue the Foundation’s support of the MTSD 1:1 Chromebook initiative. The flat panel grant was put in place when the district was awarded a State of Wisconsin grant to cover Chromebook costs for this year.
CURRICULUM ($71,500)
ES Playground Equipment ($35,000) Supporting MTSD’s youngest learners, this grant purchases much-needed developmentally appropriate and supplementary playground equipment.
MS Physical Education Equipment ($16,000) This grant provides much-needed new volleyball and fitness center equipment.
HHS Science Equipment ($18,000) HHS students who take Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology, Environmental Science, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics or AP Environmental Science use digital balances (scales) during lab experiences. This grant purchases 12 precision and 12 portable balances to replace aged equipment that is less accurate because it can no longer be calibrated or serviced.
HHS AP Computer Science Materials ($2,500) This grant provides materials for the popular AP Computer Science A course that is newly offered this year.
PERSONNEL ($19,000)
Professional Development ($39,189)** The MTEF appreciates one of MTSD’s greatest resources: outstanding teachers. To help educators continue to grow and keep up with best practices, the MTEF grants all six school principals discretionary support to cover staff professional development.
HHS Writing Lab ($15,000) Whether on campus or remotely, High School English teachers continue to help students with an array of writing assignments—from outlines to research reports, with the support of this grant.
Excellence in Teaching Awards ($4,000) Educators who demonstrate exemplary leadership in the preparation of students for continued academic advancement at the elementary, middle and high school levels are awarded with this grant. In 2020-2021, an extra award was given to recognize a district specialist as well.
**Due to the lack of travel and professional development opportunities since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Foundation is rolling over $39,189 previously granted unused funds.
DONOR DESIGNATED ($10,086) 2021 Leave a Legacy Thanks to the referendum project, the beautiful courtyard in the middle of HHS is now accessible and outdoor classroom space was created with help from the families of 2021 HHS graduates. What a fabulous way for these students, who navigated a challenging final high school year, to leave their legacy for future Highlanders - time outdoors!
Thank you Grants Advisory chair Chris Timm and committee Cindy Anderson, Jeridon Clark, Lauren Croix, Eric Ebert, Greg Hartwig, Tom Price, Alexandra Ridgway, Alli Rudich, Robin Schlei, Chad Sova, Thadd Stankowski and Kyle Thompson.