Thanks to the financial and volunteer support we received from the community during 2019-2020, the MTEF is awarding grants totaling $243,494 for the 2020-2021 school year.
TECHNOLOGY ($138,886) ES, MS & HS Tech Devices ($109,286)* Like no other past year, tech devices are needed! The majority of this year’s grants provided Chromebooks to students at all six schools. Audiovisual Recording Devices($30,000) As students are more engaged when they can see and hear their teacher, this grant helped provide teachers with audiovisual equipment used to create more dynamic video lessons. *The ES, MS & HS Tech Devices grant includes $400 in funds from the 2019-2020 MS Google Expeditions Kit grant not spent. The $138,886 total amount takes into account that $400 was already accounted for in last year’s annual report.
PERSONNEL ($47,500) Professional Development ($32,500) The MTEF appreciates one of MTSD’s greatest resources: outstanding teachers. To help educators continue to grow and keep up with best practices, the MTEF grants all six school principals discretionary support to cover staff professional development.
HHS Writing Lab ($15,000) Whether on campus or remotely, High School English teachers continue to help students with an array of writing assignments—from outlines to research reports, with the support of this grant. Thank you to the Sydney Lauren Tabakin Memorial Fund.
CURRICULUM ($28,807) Canvas Learning Management System** ($30,000) This grant allows students to access their classroom resources and engage in collaborative discussions via one central and protected location.
** The Canvas Learning Management System grant includes $1,193 in funds from the 2019-2020 ES Playground grant not spent. The $28,807 total amount takes into account that $1,193 was already accounted for in last year’s annual report.
DONOR DESIGNATED ($28,300) 2020 Leave a Legacy ($14,775) As part of the 2020 referendum, a new Highlander Walkway high school entrance will be built and generous donors will help underwrite the signage area in honor of the Class of 2020. JON SAFRAN MEMORIAL GRANT ($9,526) This grant supports initiatives that promote student belonging and inclusion with a focus on race relations and fostering a bias-free culture.
EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARDS ($4,000) Educators who demonstrate exemplary leadership in the preparation of students for continued academic advancement at the elementary, middle, and high school levels are awarded with this grant. In 2019-2020, an extra award was given to recognize a district specialist as well.
Thank you Grants Advisory chair Chris Timm and committee Cindy Anderson, Deborah Anderson, Jeridon Clark, Lauren Croix, Eric Ebert, Greg Hartwig, Tom Price, Alexandra Ridgway, Robin Schlei, Chad Sova, Joey Sulsberger, Thadd Stankowski and Kyle Thompson.