Thanks to the financial and volunteer support we received from the community during 2018-2019, the MTEF is awarding grants totaling $269,652 for the 2019-2020 school year. The Foundation has now granted over $4.3 million since its inception in 1998. Check out the Hub grant featured in M-T Today and Highlander Online.
CURRICULUM ($125,915)
ES Playground Equipment ($35,000) Supporting MTSD’s youngest learners, this grant purchases much needed developmentally appropriate and supplementary playground equipment.
MS Fine Arts ($19,400) This grant helps purchase fine arts instruments and equipment at Steffen and Lake Shore Middle Schools including a bass clarinet, euphonium (small tuba), drum set, chimes, xylophone, music stands and cabinets. Over a third of MTSD middle schoolers participate in band or orchestra.
HS The Hub ($45,000) This collaborative learning environment in the main HHS common area is used by every math and computer science teacher. As students must take at least three years of high school math, all students will benefit. By removing unused lockers, replacing flooring, painting walls and adding whiteboards this hallway was completely transformed.
HS AP Chemistry & AP Environmental Science ($18,500) MTSD is required to deliver new curriculum in both classes to comply with College Board standards. These grants help purchase new AP textbooks and access to the corresponding online resources so students not only learn but interact with these important science programs.
HS Engineering - PLTW ($8,015) Updates to robotic brains, radios, batteries, battery clips, chargers, smart motors and cables are possible with this grant to upgrade current equipment to the recently released V5 platform.
TECHNOLOGY ($81,387)
ES & MS Personalized Digital Learning Resources ($74,227)* As curriculum shifts to more online interaction and requires more web-based resources, devices at all buildings are in high demand.
MS Expedition Kits ($9,000) This set of virtual reality teaching tools (to travel between the two middle schools) includes everything needed to take students on virtual field trips without leaving the classroom. Students explore historical sites, breathtaking images, outer space, college campuses and much more.
*The $74,227 ES & MS Personalized Digital Learning Resources grant includes $1,840 in funds from the 2018-2019 ES Expedition Kit grant not spent. The $81,387 total Technology amount takes into account that $1,840 was already accounted for last year.
PERSONNEL ($47,500)
Professional Development ($32,500) The MTEF appreciates one of MTSD’s greatest resources: outstanding teachers. To help educators continue to grow and keep up with best practices, the MTEF will be granting all six school principals discretionary support to cover staff professional development.
HHS Writing Lab ($15,000) After school and during every hour of the instructional day, High School English teachers will continue to help students with an array of writing assignments—from outlines to research reports, with the support of this grant. Thank you to the Sydney Lauren Tabakin Memorial Fund.
2019 Leave a Legacy ($9,350) This year’s project helped redesign the open, double-wide portion of hallway where the math/computer science wing meets the science wing. This redesign involved removing unused lockers, replacing flooring, painting walls and adding whiteboards.
Stacey Allen Isaacson Oriole Lane Summer Tutoring ($1,500)
Educators who demonstrate exemplary leadership in the preparation of students for continued academic advancement at the elementary, middle, and high school levels are awarded with this grant. In 2018-2019, an extra award was given to recognize a district specialist as well.
Special thanks to the Grants Advisory Committee Chair John Krueger and committee Cindy Anderson, Brett Bowers, Jeridon Clark, Lauren Croix, Chris Gray, Greg Hartwig, Tom Price, Alli Rudich, Robin Schlei, and Chris Timm.