The 2009-2010 grant awards are targeted to help address the budget shortfalls and fund the personnel, curriculum support and technology resources needed to maintain the high quality education our children need for today’s 21st century global economy.
Writing Lab at Homestead High School ($21,000) This grant will expand the writing lab service by approximately .20 FTE to provide service before and after school during the 2010-11 school year.
Mobile Computing/Laptops ($145,000) The grant will be used to provide classroom desktop and laptop computers for use by students and teachers with presentation and productivity software. These computers will be connected to the projectors, SMART Boards, document cameras, etc already in classrooms that students and teachers use daily as part of a 21st Century learning environment.
Community Relations ($13,500) This grant will continue the work from last year’s MTEF grant (for the same amount) to provide a comprehensive community relations program. Projects include the school district’s Annual Report, training for board members and administrators on how to handle the media in crisis situations, community relations to address the needs of district residents without children in the public school district, a quarterly newsletter for school district residents, enhanced use and content on cable access channel, a Welcome Packet for the school district, and development of a plan to engage and inform realtors and those residents who have selected to send their school age children to private schools in the positives about MTSD. This supports the Foundation’s commitment to promoting the school district.
Microsoft Office Productivity Suite ($28,000) This grant will provide Microsoft Office licenses for all district computers which are badly in need of updating. Doing so will not only enhance communication across staff but also with district families. In addition, it provides for a purchase plan to those families interested in upgrading their personal computer’s productivity software
Building Staff Development Grants ($14,000) This grant will continue to provide staff enrichment and leadership development in order to sustain excellence in the education process during this fiscally challenging period. Funds will be allocated to all six schools as follows: $2000 each to Lake Shore Middle School, Steffen Middle School, Donges Bay Elementary School, Oriole Lane Elementary School and Wilson Elementary School and $4,000 to Homestead High School. This is the seventh year funding has been allocated to building administrators.
English Language Learner Specialist ($35,000) This grant will fund an English Language learner specialist for the district. Our district currently has approximately 170 English Language Learners (ELL), representing 15 different languages. While many of the students are proficient, a number of students with lower English proficiency require specific ELL instruction.
SMART Board Interactive Classroom Packages ($22,010) Funds will once again be used to purchase additional SMART Board Interactive Classroom packages. Thanks to the generosity of our many donors, this grant allowed us to further increase the number of SMART Boards in our district.
By combining the simplicity of a whiteboard with the power of a computer, the SMART Board engages students in an exciting and motivating way. Studies have shown that using a SMART Board in the classroom significantly increases student attention and improves information recall. Teachers save time and gain flexibility in presenting visual materials and designing lesson plans. SMART Boards allow staff to save classroom notes and post them on their website for parents and students to view later.
Donor Designated Grants ($10,049) Individual donors have funded these grants to meet specific needs throughout the school district. The use of these funds is designated by the donor and includes funding items such as teacher awards, staff enrichment opportunities, learning resources and other technology related equipment.
We would like to extend a special thank you to the members of our Grants Advisory Committee: Deborah Anderson, Nancy Anderson, Eric Dimmitt, Tanja Felton, Myra George, Pat Hopfensperger, Jocelyn Sulsberger, Susan Malmquist, Tom Price, Mark Roherty, Bryan Sadoff and Valerie Schmitz.