The 2007-2008 grant awards are targeted to help address the budget shortfalls and fund the personnel, curricular support and technology resources needed to maintain the high quality education our children need for today’s 21st century global economy.
2008 TOTAL GRANTS of $269,002
$106,742 /The Many Hands Project
The Many Hands Project, an unrestricted gift to the Board of Education, is dedicated to providing financial support directed at reducing the budget shortfall. The gift allows the Board of Education to assess the entire K-12 program and apply the funds where they are most needed.
The initial launch of this collaborative effort involving parents, teachers, students and administration took place in Spring 2007. In Fall 2007, The Many Hands Project was incorporated into the Foundation’s Annual Giving Campaign as a designated giving option. Funds from our newest fund-raiser, the M-T Community 5K Run/Walk also benefit The Many Hands Project.
The proceeds from this grant were used to fund teaching and support staff needs for the 2008/2009 school year.
$60,000/Information and Technology Implementation Specialist
Grant will fund one full-time K-12 Information and Technology Implementation Specialist. The need for the position is driven by the large number of new K-12 initiatives that will be implemented during the 2008/2009 school year and the reduction in the District’s technology budget. Initiatives will increase staff efficiencies allowing them more time to assess student needs. Our district superintendent has indicated the position was filled by a current MTSD staff member.
The specialist will train and assist teachers, administrators, support staff, parents and students in the use of the new technology. Initiatives include:
Increased parental access to student grades and grade level curriculum
Parental emergency notification and communication system
Upgraded, user-friendly district web site including a special education web site
Establish central location for staff’s immediate access to student records
Transition from eBlackboard to the Moodle on-line learning model resulting in a savings of $46,000/year.
$58,760 KILT Fund /Technology Fund
“SMART Board Interactive Classroom Packages”
Funds will be used to purchase SMART Board Interactive Classroom Packages for our six schools. By combining the simplicity of a whiteboard with the power of a computer, the SMART Board engages students in an exciting and motivating way.
Studies have shown that using a SMART Board in the classroom significantly increases student attention and improves information recall. Students are engaged visually and tactilely and as a result students become more successful.
Teachers save time and gain flexibility in presenting visual materials designing lesson plans. SMART Boards allow staff to save classroom notes and post them on their website for parents and students to view.
$35,000/Middle School Literacy Specialist
The grant will restore / re-establish? one full-time Literacy Specialist at the middle school level. As a result of the grant each middle school will have a full-time Literacy Specialist for the 2008/09 school year. Specialists will lead differentiated literacy instruction for students of all academic abilities and provide staff development to teachers. The position supports the district’s literacy action plan and belief that reading is a skill all teachers can enhance.
In 2007, the Foundation funded similar positions at each of our elementary schools.
$5,000/FASTT Math Software
In partnership with the MTSD, math intervention software will be purchased for our three elementary schools. FASTT Math automatically differentiates instruction based on each student’s individual fluency levels in customized, 10-minute daily sessions. The target audience is students in grades 2 through 5 who require additional support learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.
$3,500/Donor Designated Grants
Individual donors have funded these grants to meet specific needs throughout the school district. The use of these funds is designated by the donor and includes funding items such as staff enrichment opportunities and co-curricular programs.
Generous community members have established a teaching award at the elementary school level. The award is made annually in June to a staff member who demonstrates exemplary conduct in the preparation of students for continuing their education. In 2008, Cheryl Figg, 4th grade teacher at Donges Bay Elementary, was chosen as the recipient of the Range Line School Excellence in Teaching Award.